Needle Files in different shapes as set or as single
Unlike conventional Needle Files Perma-Grit® files cut in any direction, and will cut Plastics, Plywood, Balsa, GRP, Carbon fibre. Perfect for small detail work in confined areas, robust long life files.
HP-LNF-HA Hand (Flat)
HP-LNF-SQ Square
HP-LNF-TR Triangle (3 square)
HP-LNF-HR Half Round
HP-LNF-RO Round File
HP-LNFH Large File Handle
Perma-Grit® Tools will cut:- All Woods, Glass Fibre, Carbon Fibre, Kevlar, Plexiglas, Lexan, Perspex, Acrylics, Plastics, Polystyrene, Brass, Copper, Aluminium, Ceramics, Stone, Horn, Antler etc.
*Hint: The tools can be purchased as a 5 Set Needles or as a Single.